Gourdon sprint

Wed 20th Apr 2022

Type of event: Local Race, Sprint
Type of terrain: Urban
Info updated: 20th Apr


Gourdon sprint - 1 of 6 events in the Maroc and Gramp summer forest sprint series.

Please sign up by 10pm Monday 18th April here

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Nearest town: Stonehaven

Pre Event Info

The coastal fishing village of Gourdon is one mile south of Inverbervie. It was mapped by Maroc in 2019, but this event will be its first use. There is a mix of modern housing and open spaces with intricate lanes and stepped alleyways in the older part of the village. The scenic harbour was built in 1820, and this is where you will find the award-winning Quayside Restaurant and Fish Bar for your post-run supper.


Gourdon is a quiet village with a 20mph speed restriction. Both courses involve crossing minor roads. Youngsters under the age of 16 should be shadowed by an adult.

Please be respectful of other people such as local dog-walkers. We want to be invited back!


First time orienteers are encouraged to have a go. Assistance will be available from 5.45pm to show anyone new what to do. There is no need to run when learning to orienteer – and no special equipment needed.


Covid restrictions have now eased. We will not be collecting contact tracing information, or assigning start blocks. However, please still be mindful of not crowding around the registration car, and please do not come to the event if you have, or suspect that you have covid.

Directions / Parking

Parking will be along the road to the industrial park. Turn off the A92 into Gourdon and take first left into the industrial park – Linton Road. Please drive to the end and turn round the roundabout and then park on the left. What3words venues.broached.acrobatic.

Registration will be from a car here, and start and finish will be close by. Please don’t drive into the village before your run.

Registration & Start Times

Starts will be available from 6pm til 7pm. Courses close at 8pm. Clear and check units will be beside registration.

Course Information

There will be 2 courses available:

Sprint – straight line distance 2.6km, optimal route 3.7km. 24 controls

Beginners course – straight line distance 1.2km.  14 controls

Controls will be SIAC enabled, but start and finish must be dibbed.

Explanation of colour courses

  • White are very easy with all controls on paths. They are mainly used by 6-10 year olds and family groups.
  • Yellow use simple linear features like paths, walls and streams. They are mainly used by under 12’s and family groups.
  • Orange progress to basic use of the compass and route choice. They are ideal for novice adults or experienced youngsters.
  • Light Green are ideal for improvers as the navigational difficulty begins to increase and uses simple contours and point features.
  • Green are used mostly by experienced under 18’s and adults wanting a short but challenging course with a very hard navigational difficulty.
  • Blue are a longer, more physically demanding course in comparison to the green. The distances are more varied between controls and the course attracts experienced orienteers.
  • Brown & Black are very physically demanding and have a very hard navigational difficulty. They are for experienced orienteers only.
  • Score means visiting as many controls as possible in any order in a specific time, like 45mins.

Entry Details

Please sign up by 10pm Monday 18th April here

Entry on the day will be possible subject to availability of maps. Entry to the beginner’s course will be encouraged on the evening. Cost - seniors on sprint course £5. Juniors and beginners £2.50. Dibber hire £1. Payment by cash or card.

Contacts / Officials

Organiser: Sue Barrie

Planner: Adam Barrie

Safety and Risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
This includes dressing appropriately for the weather conditions, and carrying a whistle.
Participants in orienteering should be aware of the risk of tick bites - more information here.

SPORTident timing will be used

Please note that a lost hire SI-Card will be charged for at a rate of £30, unless the Club Commitee agrees that there are special circumstances.


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