Entries that have been categorised as News
Introduction to Orienteering for families and adult beginners
In these 3 sessions aimed at families new to Orienteering and adult beginners, you will learn the basics of Orienteering: learn to read the map, navigate through the forest, and plan your route. Run or walk, depending on your preference! Then try out your new skills at a local Orienteering event, included as part of the course fee.
The 3 training sessions will take place on:
Sunday, 16 February, 10.30-12 – Bellwood, Aboyne
Sunday, 2 March, 10.30-12 – Glen O’Dee, Banchory
Sunday, 9 March, 10.30-12 – Dess, Kincardine O’Neil
Then there will be a local Orienteering event at Sluie, Potarch on Sunday, 16 March.
To get the most out of this course, you should be able to attend all 3 training sessions.
The cost of the whole block, which includes a voucher to attend the event at Sluie is:
£30 for a family of 2 adults and their children
£18 for a family of 1 adult and their children
£12 for an adult
To attend, please sign up using the form below, and before Friday, 7 February. Entries may close sooner, if all places are taken.
Intro course Feb/March24 - Google Forms
If you would like further information or have any questions, please email Katja ()
Finzean Village Hall
Our Club AGM and Social this Saturday 23rd November 2024 from 6pm til 9pm at Finzean Village Hall.
What3words Location.
GR: NO 621925
Bell Wood Permanent Orienteering Course now updated and open
for more details, please see here Bell Wood POC | Mar Orienteering Club
How to orienteer online series
Jenny presented a great series for the last few weeks about how to orienteer. Now you can find the series in one place.
Producing and Publishing Event Results: March 2024
As part of our obligations to Maroc members and to British Orienteering, all event results, large and small, must be published on the respective Websites.
Scottish Champs Weekend 2023 in Oban
Maroc Podium positions at Individuals and Relay
A very competitive Maroc team of 24 travelled to Oban for a weekend of quality orienteering competition. They embraced the challenge of one of the best UK orienteering areas at Creag Mhic Chailein for the Individual races and the varied terrain of Inverawe Country Park for the Relays.
The excellently organised events were held on 27th and 28th May hosted by the West Area clubs. Full results are on the Forth Valley and STAG Glasgow websites.
Photos Credit: Alan Bennett
Return of the Schools Festival 19th May at Crathes
Maroc and Active Schools Aberdeenshire are going to jointly host a schools festival at Crathes Castle on Friday 19th May 2023 – the first since Covid. This is free and open to any children from P5 to P7, and promises to be great fun for all. Contact the club secretary for further details.
Wednesday evening Technical Training (WeTT) sessions this Spring
Fresh from his winter down under, Ewan Musgrave is organising a series of Wednesday evening technical training sessions leading up to the JK. Further details will be advertised nearer the time, but they are aimed at anyone at light green standard and above. The first one will be on Wednesday 15th March.