Entries that have been categorised as Club
Finzean Village Hall
Our Club AGM and Social this Saturday 23rd November 2024 from 6pm til 9pm at Finzean Village Hall.
What3words Location.
GR: NO 621925
Producing and Publishing Event Results: March 2024
As part of our obligations to Maroc members and to British Orienteering, all event results, large and small, must be published on the respective Websites.
Scottish Champs Weekend 2023 in Oban
Maroc Podium positions at Individuals and Relay
A very competitive Maroc team of 24 travelled to Oban for a weekend of quality orienteering competition. They embraced the challenge of one of the best UK orienteering areas at Creag Mhic Chailein for the Individual races and the varied terrain of Inverawe Country Park for the Relays.
The excellently organised events were held on 27th and 28th May hosted by the West Area clubs. Full results are on the Forth Valley and STAG Glasgow websites.
Photos Credit: Alan Bennett
Balmoral Success at Scottish Night Championships
A host of podium positions for Maroc
Maroc hosted the Scottish Night Championships at Balmoral on 25th February. The weather was cold with a few snow flurries but the conditions were excellent for night racing in complex terrain.
Calling all teachers
IntrO course for teachers after the Easter holidays 2023
We are hoping to run an IntrO course for teachers and others working with children such as scout leaders. This will take place after the Easter holidays 2023 and consists of two 3 hour sessions. At the end of the course, you will have all the skills and resources needed to teach the basics of orienteering to a group of children. There will be a minimal fee to help cover costs. Further information from the Maroc club secretary.
After school sessions to restart in March
Orienteering in Banchory and Aboyne
We are looking forward to restarting after school orienteering in Banchory and Aboyne. These sessions will take place on Thursdays starting on 16th March 2023. They will be suitable for children from P5 to S2, and will be organised through Active Schools. Look out for a message from Active Schools inviting you to sign up. Further information from the Maroc club secretary.
2022 AGM a Great Success
Held 19th November 2022 in Finzean Hall.
Andrew McMurtrie took over from Nick Hale as Club President.
The Major Maroc trophies were awarded to:
Maroc Improvers Trophy: Emily Bichard (W14)
Maroc Junior Champion: Adam Barrie (M18)
Maroc Commitment Trophy: Sue Barrie
How to get started with Orienteering
Orienteering is an outdoor activity where you walk or run a course via a series of controls or checkpoints, using a map for guidance. Most events take place in the Scottish countryside, so you can connect with nature and enjoy being out in our forests and glens. If you prefer towns and cities, you can try urban orienteering, which provides different scenery and challenges.
If you like being active outdoors in Scotland and enjoy a challenging experience, orienteering is the perfect sport for you. You can enjoy it as an individual, a family, or a group. All you need is a pair of trainers and comfortable clothing. Events take place throughout the year and many of these are totally accessible to people of differing levels of fitness and mobility.
Maroc Take 2nd in CompassSport Trophy Final
The Trophy is the Annual UK Small Clubs Orienteering Competition.
Event held on Sunday 16th October 2022 at Tulliallan & Devilla, Fife. Hosted by Forth Valley Orienteers. Fifty Eight clubs competed in the Heats durung Feb/March this year and fifteen in Sunday's Final.
Maroc AGM and Social 2022
Finzean Village Hall 7pm 19th November
Everyone is invited to come along to our Annual General Meeting at Finzean Village Hall at 7pm on Saturday 19th November. The meeting business is usually swift and followed by a pot luck supper.