Bellwood Orienteering courses - 27th July to 9th August 2020

Start and Finish at shelter in Bellwood (GR NO 542 986) , parking at Bellwood carpark, on Aboyne side (GR: NO 538 987, Post Code: AB34 5GH)

Maps now available - click on the link for your colour course below.

Temp. course 1. Yellow/Orange standard; 3.4 km, 40m climb
Temp. course 2. Green/Blue standard; 5.3 km, 70m climb

The Yellow/Orange course follows paths and line features. Some paths are narrow and not suitable for buggies. Please do not run through the bike park. This is marked 'out of bounds'.
The Green/Blue course is technically and physically challenging due to rough ground and vegetation.

Planners: Jonas and Yann Newey

Don't forget to put the map in a plastic wallet or use waterproof paper.

There will be no control kites or timing equipment but the control locations, including start and finish will be marked by clear red and white tape.

Participants must ensure social distancing is maintained at all times, in line with current Government guidance. This is an individual activity so participants take part at their own risk. It is not covered by any orienteering insurance policy.

Don't forget to record your GPS route on

27th Jul 20

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