Banchory Schools Web Site Launched

Banchory Schools Orienteering Club was formed two years ago with the aim to further the development of and participation in orienteering within Banchory Schools.  It now has a new website which can give you more information about the club. 

07th Feb 11

Banchory Schools Orienteering Club was formed two years ago with the aim to further the development of and participation in orienteering within Banchory Schools. It now has a new website which can give you more information about the club.

Pupils from the Banchory schools regularly take part in Scottish Schools Orienteering Festivals. In 2009, five girls from Banchory Academy represented Scotland at the World Schools Orienteering Championship in Madrid, Spain and came a terrific 3rd place! This year five pupils from the Academy have been selected to represent Scotland at the next Championships in Primiero, Italy in May 2011. Four girls will form the D2 Schools Team and Sasha Chepelin has also been selected for the H2 Select Team.

More information is on their website.

Banchory Schools website


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