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British Orienteering



Organiser's Report

A bright, sunny but cold day welcomed a good turnout of 86 competitors to Inver.  They were rewarded with a great location with superb views over the hills, some showing a covering of the first winter snow.


We were delighted to welcome friends from many other North clubs such as Tay, Basoc, Invoc, and of course Gramp who always support our events on Deeside.


Thanks to Andy Tivendale for planning the event.  Andy missed the day itself as he was representing the Scotland at the the Veterans Home International.  Thanks to Andy Oliver, controller for the event and to Roger Coombs for covering for Andy T on the day.  


Thanks to all who came along, I hope you enjoyed the experience.  Thank you, too, to  Alastair and Douglas Marshall, Simon, Vivien, James and George Vaughan, Ian Davidson, Denise and Joe Wright and Calum Coombs for their help on the day.


Jeff and Althea

Graeme and Cathy




Page last updated on 22 February 2009