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British Orienteering



Organiser's Report

An overcast day welcomed a total of 72 competitors to Balnagowan, despite competition from hill races and a Scotjos training weekend.  Those who turned up had the first chance to run with the latest updated map by Deeside Orienteering & Leisure Maps, which has brought the vegetation up to date, although continued forestry activity suggests there may be further changes to come.


We were delighted to welcome friends from many other North clubs such as Tay, Basoc, Invoc, and of course Gramp who always support our events on Deeside.  Interlopers were represented by the SOA President, Ken Daly and the ubiquitous Hartmans (Heather walking briskly due to her forthcoming 6 Day baby.  You could name the baby after one of the 6 Day areas, Heather.  I would recommend avoiding Bogendreip if it’s a boy).  A contingent from Banchory Primary School were among a large number of juniors who attended the event, and it is very pleasing to see their enthusiasm – muddy or not!


Thanks to all who came along, I hope you enjoyed the experience.  Thanks, too, to Patrick, Clare, Heather, Simon, Andy for their help on the day, and Bob Daly for risking his sump on the track to help collect controls.


Andy Oliver







Page last updated on 22 February 2009